If you have any questions about appropriate attire please feel free to contact Youth Orchestra Program Manager Audrey Nowak. If you need assistance attaining concert attire, we can help. Please email Audrey Nowak to request assistance.
String Orchestra
String Orchestra students wear all black on the bottom (including socks and shoes), white on the top (please no cream or off-white). Please no bare legs. Black bottoms should be as near to shoe length as possible. Ties or bow ties are optional.
Philharmonia students wear all black on the bottom (including socks and shoes), and can choose either white or black on top. Please no bare legs. Black bottoms should be as near to shoe length as possible. Black coats are optional. Ties and bow ties are optional.
Youth Symphony
Option 1: All black, top to bottom. Black dress shoes and black socks should be worn.
Option 2: Black and White
Black or white shirt, black coat, black bow tie. Black socks and black dress shoes.
String Orchestra
String Orchestra students wear all black on the bottom (including socks and shoes), white on the top (please no cream or off-white). Please no bare legs. Black bottoms should be as near to shoe length as possible. Ties or bow ties are optional.
Philharmonia students wear all black on the bottom (including socks and shoes), and can choose either white or black on top. Please no bare legs. Black bottoms should be as near to shoe length as possible. Black coats are optional. Ties and bow ties are optional.
Youth Symphony
Option 1: All black, top to bottom. Black dress shoes and black socks should be worn.
Option 2: Black and White
Black or white shirt, black coat, black bow tie. Black socks and black dress shoes.